Moving Again
Mixed media on wood.
30"W x 40"H / 76cm x 102cm
There is a history of mistrust of the senses. This is still the cultural norm, and pervasive when it comes to art or phenomena that is not easily explained. The fear of the unknown or the recognition of limitations of cognitive power, when faced with undefined, or loose parameters, question preconceptions we all share in one form or another.
In my work the choices of elements are used more as an obscured portal, general parameters to take the viewer to their own trailhead of personalized context, to find or reflect on an accumulation of experience. The work is purposely left open-ended.
History is re-contextualizing itself constantly. Whether personally, socially, or culturally. We are always analyzing and reanalyzing how things, or events fit together, often with no resolution. Sometimes this is disturbing, but it is often intriguing, and mysterious. I find that beautiful.